IFR6000 Transponder/DME/TCAS Flight Line Test Set

IFR6000 Transponder/DME/TCAS Flight Line Test Set

The IFR6000 is a compact, lightweight and weatherproof unit designed for testing transponder modes A/C/S, 1090 MHz ADS-B and 978 MHz UAT, TCAS I and II, and DME.

The IFR6000 features an extremely easy to use interface where every parameter the user commonly needs to view is displayed on screen.

The IFR6000 is the only ramp test set capable of verifying all aspects of next generation transponder testing, including ADS-B testing, FIS-B and TIS-B testing. Most tests can be completed without leaving the main user screens. This simplifies the line technician’s testing task.’


  • Provides a full FAR Part 43, Appendix F test
  • Verification of ADS-B/UAT installed systems
  • Avoid ATC interference with optional coupler
  • Data dump of transponder test results to PC
  • Software updates available via website