Piezoelectric Accelerometers

Piezoelectric Accelerometers

These sensors are based on the piezoelectric effect, where an input acceleration causes a force on the seismic mass which leads to a proportional charge generation within the ceramic PZT material. (The IEPE (integrated electronics piezo electric) circuitry features the conversion of the charge to an analog voltage output signal.

ASC P101A15 / ASC P101A25
Piezoelectric accelerometers are based on PZT ceramic and feature IEPE (integrated electronics piezo electric).
circuitry for converting of the charge to an analog output voltage signal. The uniaxial ASC P101A15 operates at a constant current from 2 to 10 mA, is equipped with a side connector and is available with an integrated TEDS (tranducer electronic data sheet). If required, the calibration data and sensor parameters can be written to the TEDS.

ASC P203A11 / ASC P203A12
Piezoelectric accelerometers are based on PZT ceramic and feature IEPE (integrated electronics piezo electric) circuitry for converting of the charge to an analog output voltage signal. The triaxial ASC P203A11 features an extremely compact design with an edge length of 11 mm. That makes it ideal for dynamic measurements in all three degree of freedom. In addition, TEDS (tranducer electronic data sheet) are available and ready for data to be written.

ASC P311A15 / ASC P311A25
Piezoelectric accelerometers are based on PZT ceramic and feature IEPE (integrated electronics piezo electric) circuitry for converting of the charge to an analog output voltage signal. The industrial accelerometers feature a very high full-scale output voltage of ±8 V and low broadband noise of <100 µg.

ASC P401A15
Piezoelectric accelerometers are based on PZT ceramic and feature IEPE (integrated electronics piezo electric) circuitry for converting of the charge to an analog output voltage signal. The uniaxial ASC P401A15 operates at a constant current from 2 to 20 mA, has an operating temperature range from -55 °C to +150 °C and is available with an integrated TEDS (tranducer electronic data sheet). If required, the calibration data and sensor parameters can be written to the TEDS.


Uniaxial & Triaxial Piexoresistive Accelometers
ModelTypeMeasurement RangeHousing
ASC 61C1Uniaxial, piezoresistive500 to ±2000 gAluminum | 3 gram
ASC 66C1Uniaxial, piezoresistive500 to ±2000 gAluminum | 3 gram
ASC 66C2Uniaxial, piezoresistive±6000 gAluminum | 5 gram
ASC 74C1Triaxial, piezoresistive500 to ±2000 gAluminum | 16 gram
ASC 75C1Triaxial, piezoresistive500 to ±2000 gAluminum | 13 gram
ASC 76C1Triaxial, piezoresistive500 to ±2000 gAluminum | 12 gram