Hydrogen Metering | GH2+ System

Hydrogen Metering | GH2+ System

The compact GH2+ system series was developed for measurement and accounting of highly compressed hydrogen transported in trailer vehicles.

The flow measurement system stands out from competing systems due to its temperature-independent mass flow measurement and guarantees high accuracy and safety, thanks to its custody transfer certification.

TrigasDM offers the GH2+ measurement chain for pressure levels of 200 and 300 bar. This will be expanded up to 970 bar to meet our customers’ requirements in regards of new high pressure technologies. A system cabinet, in- and outlet valve, pressure regulator, communication interface to the customer’s ERP system or the vehicle’s on-board unit are available as options.

Recalibration Service

In order to ensure a high level of system availability in custody transfer and to minimise downtimes and costs associated with cyclic metrological tests, we offer a full-service logistics concept for recalibration. This includes administration of the equipment, information on when the next test date is due, planning of the calibration date, complete metrological testing of the system in cooperation with respective metrology bodies as well as documentation. Furthermore, we can keep ready-to-use, calibrated or conformity-assessed measuring systems on standby to guarantee minimum downtimes. A complete recalibration can be carried out within a few hours – meaning a minimum effort on the customer’s side.

GH2+ Variants
Features: GH2+ 300GH2+ 540GH2+ 970GH2+ 1048
Custody Transfer Certifiedx xxx
Access Protectionxxxx
Pressure Range300 bar / 30 MPa540 bar / 54 MPa970 bar / 97 MPa1048 bar / 104,8 MPa
Min. Flow Rate1,33 kg/min0,17 kg/min | 1 kg / min 1 kg / min 0,17 kg / min
Max. Flow Rate26 kg / min4,17 kg/min | 25 kg / min25 kg / min 4,17 kg / min
Recalibration Logisticsx x x x
Cabinet (optional)x x x x
Dimensson of cabinet700x600x340 mm600x400x280 mm600x400x280 mm600x400x280 mm