
Druck, ett varumärke under Baker Hughes, är ledande inom precisionsmätning av tryck och temperatur. Med en lång tradition av innovation erbjuder Druck ett omfattande sortiment av högpresterande trycktransmittorer, sensorer och kalibreringsutrustning som är utformade för att leverera oöverträffad noggrannhet och tillförlitlighet i krävande miljöer.

Drucks lösningar är konstruerade för att möta de stränga standarderna inom branscher som flygindustri, olje- och gasindustri samt industriell tillverkning.

Oavsett om du behöver exakt tryckmätning, avancerad kalibrering eller robust temperaturövervakning, erbjuder Druck toppmoderna teknologier för att optimera prestanda och säkerställa operativt excellens.


Kalibrering Tillbehör för kalibrering


Portable hybrid pressure controller base station that combines the advantages of manual pressure generation with fully automatic pressure generation and control.

PV621, 622 & 623

Pressure generating stations with a hydraulic pressure generator for pressures from 20 bar up to 1,000 bar

MC620G Genii

Genii pressure module carrier, can be fitted with any PM620 pressure module from 25 mbar to 1,000 bar


Pressure modules, Ranges from 25 mbar to 1,000 bar (10 inH2 O to 15,000 psi)


TERPS high-accuracy pressure modules, Ranges from 1.2 bar to 100 bar (17.5 psi to 1500 psi

Accessories DPI 611, DPI 612 & DPI 620

Quick couplings, hoses and adapter set, Dirt Moisture Trap

Dirt & Moisture trap

Protects portable pressure calibrators against dirt and moisture. The system should not be pressurized above 500 psig (35 bar).

Measuring hoses

Max Pressure 15000 psi (1000 bar). Hose length 1,5 meter


Calibration Software designed to empower your organization to operate simply and securely, connecting your people to instruments, data and enhanced analytics.

Kalibrering ADTS Flygdata


Reliable, high accuracy, rugged air data test systems. High accuracy TERPS sensor suitable for testing RVSM aircraft. Civil and military specifications

ADTS 405 MKI to MkII upgrade

Upgrade kit is a cost-effective solution to remove the obsolescence, improve the specification and provide an extension to the operational life of MkI units.


Air data test set is a portable two-channel flightline pitot static tester with large pitot static volume capability for use on a wide range of aircraft,


A small, lightweight and cost-effective portable two-channel flightline pitot static tester for “Aircraft on the Ramp” testing.

Instrument Barometers

DPI 104 digital test gauge

Digital test gauge. Pressure ranges is from 0,7 bar to 20,000 psi (1400 bar).


Precision barometric indicator and recorder. Pressure ranges 750-1150 mbar (10.9-16.7 psi, 75-115 Kpa), absolute

UNIK 5000

Pressure sensing platform. Ranges from 70 mbar (1 psi) to 700 bar (10000 psi). Accuracy to ±0.04% Full Scale

Kalibrering Handpumpar

PV 212

Hydraulic hand pump for pressures up to 15,000 psi (1000 bar)

PV 210

Low Pressure and Vacuum Hand Pump for pressure between -800mbar to 3 bar.

PV 211

A pneumatic and vacuum hand pump for air pressure from -850 mbar to 40 bar

PV 411A

4-in-1 Calibration pump

Instrument Handinstrument för tryck

DPI 705E

Pressure Indicators. Pressure ranges from 25 mbar to 700 bar

Pressure module for Druck instrument

DPI 800

Pressure Indicator measuring ranges from 25 mbar to 700 bar

Kalibrering Tryckkalibrator

DPI 705E

Pressure Indicators. Pressure ranges from 25 mbar to 700 bar

DPI 620 Genii

Advanced multi-function calibrator and HART/Foundation Fieldbus communicator. ATEX, IECEx and ETL approved,

DPI 800

Pressure Indicator measuring ranges from 25 mbar to 700 bar

Kalibrering Tryckcontroller

PACE Tallis

Transfer standard, designed with market leading precision and long-term stability using Druck’s TERPS resonating silicon technology.

PACE Pressure Controller

PACE pneumatic modular pressure controller.

Sensorer & Givare Tryckgivare

PDCR/PTX 1830/1840

Level sensor, High precision, stability and very good tightness class

PMP/PTX 3000

FAA, CAA & JTSO certified for aviation industry. Full scale pressure ranges from 350 mbar to 700 bar.

PTX 5600

Marine-classified pressure transmitter. DNV certified Available from 70 mbar to 700 bar overpressure or absolute pressure and 70 mbar to 35 bar differential pressure.

TERPS Pressure Sensor

Pressure sensor with 0.01% precision that does not drift more than 100 ppm per year. TERPS is available in pressures up to 70 bar with isolation membrane.

PTXPress | Pressure Sensor

14 pressure ranges and measurement range from 250 mbar to 600 bar. IECEx ATEX Intrinsically safe

UNIK 5800/5900

ATEX and IECEx certified for explosion and flame safety.

UNIK 5000

Pressure sensing platform. Ranges from 70 mbar (1 psi) to 700 bar (10000 psi). Accuracy to ±0.04% Full Scale


Fully welded pressure sensor with a total inaccuracy of 0.1% in the temperature range -40 to 125°C

Kalibrering Processkalibratorer

DPI 880

Multi-function calibrator. 32 pressure modules from 10 in H20 to 10,000 psi (25 mbar to 700 bar)

DPI 620 Genii IS

Powerful and durable modular process calibrator with ATEX/IEC approval.

Instrument Bänkinstrument för tryck

PACE 5000/6000

Single channel and double channel pressure controller. Up to 210 bar 3000 psi/21 MPa gauge and absolute


Precision pressure indicator. Full scale pressure ranges up to 1000 bar (14500 psi/100 MPa)

Kalibrering Temperaturkalibrering

PTC200 & PTC700

Temperature calibrators, resolution of up to 0.001°C / K

PTC165 & PTC165i

Premium Temperature Calibrators (Multi-Function) -35 to 165°C

PTC255& PTC255i

Premium Temperature Calibrators (Multi-Function) RT to 255°C

PTC200 & PTC700

Temperature calibrators

Kalibrering Tryckkalibratorer

PV624 Portable hybrid pressure controller

DPI 802

Pressure indicator/loop calibrator. Ranges from 10 in H2O to 10,000 psi (25 mbar to 700 bar)

DPI 611

Portable pressure calibrator. Generates 0 to 20 bar / 300 psi within 30 seconds


TERPS high-accuracy pressure modules. Ranges from 1.2 bar to 100 bar (17.5 psi to 1500 psi). Total uncertainty from 0.0125% FS

PV621, 622 & 623

Pressure generating stations with a hydraulic pressure generator for pressures from 20 bar up to 1,000 bar

MC620G Genii

Genii pressure module carrier, can be fitted with any PM620 pressure module from 25 mbar to 1,000 bar


Pressure modules, Ranges from 25 mbar to 1,000 bar (10 inH2 O to 15,000 psi)


TERPS high-accuracy pressure modules, Ranges from 1.2 bar to 100 bar (17.5 psi to 1500 psi

Amtele är återförsäljare av Druck DPI610e och DPI610e IS.


Portable pressure calibrator. Wide variety of pressure ranges (350mbar / 5 psi / 33 kPa to 1000bar /15000 psi / 100 MPa )

DPI 612

flexible pressure calibrators. Fast and dependable from vacuum to 1000 bar/15000 psi

DPI 620 Genii

Genii Pressure Calibrator. Measures and simulates mA, mV, Ohm, Hz, thermocouple, PT100

DPI 705E

Pressure Indicators. Pressure ranges from 25 mbar to 700 bar

DPI 620 Genii

Advanced multi-function calibrator and HART/Foundation Fieldbus communicator. ATEX, IECEx and ETL approved,