Flann Microwave
I nästan 70 år har Flann Microwave Ltd varit en marknadsledande designer och tillverkare av passiva RF-, mikrovågs- och millimetriska precisionsprodukter, lösningar och service.
De tillverkar kritiska komponenter och delsystem som krävs för att leverera, testa, mäta och kalibrera system som arbetar från 300 MHz till 1,1 GHz, och levererar till flera industrisektorer: SATCOM & Spaceflight, Metrology, Test & Measurement, R&D & Academia, Telecommunications 5G & 6G, Aerospace & Defence, Security.
Komponenter / Waveguide Övergångar/Raka Sektioner m.m
Waveguide Twists
Series 450 | Brass or Aluminium | Low VSWR | 2.6 to 330GHz | Twists of 45° and 90° can be supplied
Komponenter / Koaxial Bias-Tee, DC-Block, Open/Short
Unmatched E and H Plane Tees
Series 420 – E Plane | Series 430 – H Plane | 1.14 to 140GHz
Matched E and H Plane Tees
Series 400 – E Plane | Series 410 – H Plane | 1.14 to 330GHz
Un-Matched Hybrid Tees
Series 390 | 1.14 to 140GHz | High Isolation | Balanced Power Division
Matched Hybrid Tee (Magic Tee)
Series 385 | 2.6 to 330 GHz | Excellent balance | E-H port isolation
Komponenter / Waveguide Kalibrerings- & Verifieringssater
Millimeter & Sub-millimeter Calibration Kits
Series 704/721/741 | 90 to 500GHz | Bronze, Silver and Gold Grades | NPL Technology Applied
Double Ridge Calibration Kit
Series 703/708 | 2 to 40GHz | Customisable | TRL/LRL or OOL
Metrology Calibration Kit
OOL – Offset/Offset/Load | TRL – Thru/Reflect/Line | LRL – Line/Reflect/Line
Komponenter / Koaxial Koaxiala Adaptrar
Coaxial Flange to Flange Adapter
A practical alternative to flexible waveguide at millimeter wave frequencies. 33 GHz to 220 GHz
Compact WG to Coax Adaptors | 099 Series
High Power WG to Coax Adapters | Series 097
Low PIM WG to Coaxial Adapter | Series 098
WG to 1.8mm V-Type Coax Adapters | 093/094 Series
WG to 2.4mm Coax Adapters | Series 093-TF/TM
WG to K-Type Coax Adapters
WG to SMA Coax Adapters | 094-S Series
WG to APC7 Coax Adaptors | 093-AP Series
Broadband WG to Coax N Type Adaptors | 093-NF10 Series
0.8mm Endlaunch Adapters | 373 F-Series
1mm Endlaunch Adapters | 373 Wx Series
Broadband Endlaunch Adaptors | Series 373
Double Ridge Waveguide to Coaxial Adapter
Komponenter / Koaxial Koaxiala Antenner
Horn Antennas
Komponenter / RF Över Fiber Fördröjningsledningar
Delay Lines (12 to 140GHz)
Models from 12 to 140 GHz. Modular design for delays from 10 ns up
Komponenter / Waveguide Blandare, Multiplikatorer och Fasvridare
Programmable Rotary Vane Phase Changers
Series 670 | 3.22 to 500GHz | 0.2 degree increments | 1480 degrees per second
Calibrated Phase Changers
Series 060 and 061 | 0 – 180° Calibrated Phase | Low Insertion Loss | 1.14 to 330GHz
Rotary Vane Phase Changers
Flann Series 063 | Direct Reading | 0 to 360° Continuous Phase Change | Low Insertion Loss
Komponenter / Waveguide Dämpare & Avslutningar (vågledare)
100 Series
Medium Power Terminations have a maximum VSWR of 1.15:1 with the ability to absorb high RF energy levels. 3.3 to 140GHz
Double Ridge High Power Termination. Models 3.5 GHz to 40 GHz. Up to 3500 W Power Handling
101 Series
High Power Loads. 0.32 GHz to 330 GHz, Industry Leading Performance
540 Series
Sliding Terminations to use a sliding termination when measuring low VSWR values.
040 Series
Precision low power terminations. Models from 1.14 GHz to 500 GHz
171 Series
Ultra-short terminations developed for integration into systems were space is a premium.
170 Series
Short, low power terminations provide a maximum VSWR of 1.10 : 1 within a minimal overall length
625-03 Series
Ethernet range of High Precision Programmable Attenuators. Models from 6.58 to 500 GHz (WG15, WR112 to WM570, WR2.2)
624 Series
Motorised Variable Attenuators utilise the proven rotary vane principle and proven high accuracy over the full waveguide band. 8.0 GHz to 110 GHz
620/621 Series
Programmable Rotary Vane Attenuators, Models from 3.22 GHz (WR229) to 330 GHz (WR3)
580/582 Series
Precision Fixed Attenuators. Attenuation Variation with Frequency Less than ±1.5 dB over full waveguide band @ 500 GHz
114 Series
Precision Direct Reading Rotary Vane Attenuators | 3% accuracy (0-40dB) / 5% accuracy (41-50dB). Attenuation Range: 0 dB to 50 dB
113 Series
Field Useable Rotary Vane Attenuators. Attenuation Range: 0 dB to 50 dB (Optionally 0 dB to 60dB)
110 Series
Precision Rotary Vane Attenuators 1% accuracy 0 dB – 60 dB, 2.60 GHz to 500 GHz
081 Series
Fixed Attenuators low VSWR devices suitable for operating over the full waveguide band.
080 Series
Variable Attenuators suitable for applications where calibrated attenuators are not required, Attenuation Range: 0 dB – 20 dB
020 Series
Millimetric Calibrated Variable attenuators. Models from 1.1 GHz to 500 GHz. Up to 50dB Calibrated attenuation range
Komponenter / Waveguide Riktkopplare, effektdelare & OMT (vågledare)
785 Series OMT
Full-Band Orthomode Transducers. Models from 33 to 220 GHz
Series 780 OMT
Orthomode Transducers. Isolation > 50dB . Models up to 140GHz . Broad and Narrow Band Options
Series 140
Branch Guide Directional Couplers, available in both 3 and 4 port configurations and standard coupling values are 3 dB, 6 dB and 10 dB
WRD 131 Series
Double ridge multihole coupler for standard double ridge waveguide sizes and tailored to any special bandwidth requirements.
Series 230 / 231
Multihole Directional Couplers – Splitter/Combiner. 3 Wat Signal Splitter
Multihole Directional Couplers
System & Instrument Grade. 2.6 to 40GHz
Combiner Redundancy Units
520 Series. Efficient HPA Combining. Full Power HPA Redundancy. High Speed Switching
Series 136/137
Millimetric Multihole Directional Coupler, 33 to 500GHz, 40dB (136) and 44dB (137) directivity
Komponenter / Waveguide Waveguide Filters, Diplexers & OMT
Series 280
Low Pass Filters. 40 dB Stop Band Rejection. Models Available up to 220GHz
V and E Band Diplexers
Standard and special custom diplexers designed for the demanding millimeter wave applications at both V (58 to 63 GHz) and E (71 to 76 GHz and 81 to 86 GHz) bands.
Komponenter / Waveguide RF Switchar (vågledare)
Compact H-plane Waveguide Switch
Series 337 | Compact lightweight waveguide switch | Models available, 24-400 GHz | Ultra-high RF & Mechanical performance
Spaceflight Millimetric Waveguide Switch
Series 330 | Models up to 112 GHz | Stable performance at temperature extremes | Very low insertion loss
Waveguide Switch, PoE
Series 338 | Power and remote control Ethernet | Models up to 330 GHz | High accuracy and repeatability
DC Operated 2-Channel Waveguide Switches
Series 336 | 2.6 to 40.1GHz | | High Speed
DC Motor Driven Waveguide Switches
Series 334-*E and WRD334-*E | Switching Time < 500mS | High Accuracy | High Repeatability
Manual and Motorised Waveguide Switches
Series 333 and 333-*E | up to 330GHz | High Accuracy | High Repeatability
Vi säljer produkter från Flann Microwave inom dessa kategorier:
Övergångar/Raka Sektioner m.m, Bias-Tee, DC-Block, Open/Short, Kalibrerings- & Verifieringssater, Koaxiala Adaptrar, Koaxiala Antenner, Fördröjningsledningar, Blandare, Multiplikatorer och Fasvridare, Dämpare & Avslutningar (vågledare) , Riktkopplare, effektdelare & OMT (vågledare), Waveguide Filters, Diplexers & OMT, RF Switchar (vågledare),